Public Resources

Data Repository

Towards Individuated Reading Experiences: Different Fonts Increase Reading Speed for Different Individuals

TOCHI | Data and analysis | 352 participants

Optimizing Electronic Health Records Through Readability

HFES | Dataset coming soon.

Accelerating Adult Readers with Fonts

CHI | Dataset coming soon.

Considering the Speed and Comprehension Trade-Off in Reading Mediated by Typography

JoV | Dataset coming soon.

Readability Research Toolbox

Readability Research Toolbox Github

Framework for experimenting with various reading controls | Readability Research Toolbox Code | Reading Controls Tester Code

Audio Recording Demo

Audio Recoding Code

Pavlovia Readability Research Codebase

Psychopy based code for the Fastest font test | Pavlovia Codebase


Specification files for readability diagnostic tests and more | Specifications Drive Folder

Basic Web Scraper Tool

Beta Replit tool developed for web scraping Wikipedia and Gutenberg into passage chunks with metrics |

Passages & Stimuli

Adult Passages 12th grade level—Apache 2.0 license:

Set 1: Undergoing final revisions. 50 passages (300 words with 5 multiple choice questions)

Adult Passages 8th grade level—Apache 2.0 license:

Set 1: Excel spreadsheet with 25 passages (300 words with 6 multiple choice questions) | GitHub |
Set 2: Excel spreadsheet with 25 passages (300 words with 6 multiple choice questions) | GitHub |

Adult Passages 8th grade level TOCHI:

Set 1: PDF with 12 passages (170 words with 2 multiple choice questions) | Spreadsheet
Set 2: PDF with 6 passages (300 words with 4 multiple choice questions) and 9 passages (500 words with 6 multiple choice questions) | Spreadsheet
Zip file with both Set 1 and 2 | Zip file

12th and 8th grade level ReadWorks Passages:

Coming soon

12th grade level ChangeAgent Passages:

Spreadsheet with 50 passages (300 words with 5 multiple choice questions) Coming soon

True/False Sentences—Developed using sentence generator from Crossland, M.D. et al, 2008:

Spreadsheet of 1200 four-word sentences with True/False designations | Spreadsheet

Words/Non-words—Generated using MCWord:

Spreadsheet of 2500+ six-letter words with Word/Non-word designations | Spreadsheet

Miscellaneous Resource

Links to the Broader Community

Readability Wiki

A community Wiki page providing a snapshot of readability work across the ecosystem |

Readability Matters Research Page

Readability research from across the broader community |