- font properties vs. performance
- info transfer rate (sponginess)
- use eyetracking to see where people leave off, due to fatigue
- reading speed and eyetracking for continuity in letters
- reading speed and eyetracking for individual letters
- the balance of performance and preference
- disentangling general (whole body?) discomfort/ergonomics from purely visual discomfort/ergonomics
- use eye tracking to assess reading skill (e.g., # saccades, fixation periods/line)
- addressing participant reading comfort and preference vs. best font for speed and accuracy
- can we really make you read much faster without penalty? how much room to grow?
- develop effective and efficient testing tools to assess readability
- generalizability of reading measurements in different environments vs. standardized lab measurements
- need large-scale data collection and standardization effort to validate more ecological measurements against lab measurements
- how to measure (or normalize) efficiency in reading across languages (i.e., how much information is conveyed in a character?)
- identify the best fonts for a standardized measurement of reading speed
- language / multilinguism and font typeface effect on reading speed; eyetracking
- English vs. non-English languages
- underlying question –> task/motivation; gaze x self-modulation: can we find gaze metrics to change task identification
- shift away from timing as a success metric and toward “sufficiently accurate for intended use”
- legibility vs. readability
- defines what matters for reading in proper context; are same or different mechanisms involved
- a change in the paradigm of eye tracking
- define realistic goals for ar/vr reading
- lack of measures
- “traditional” metrics for readability are yet to be discovered
- develop metrics for measuring workload and comfort while reading
- better metrics beyond reading speed
- define text (passages) in terms of content or in terms of visual quality
- identify relevant optimization targets: preference, comfort, retention
- establish baseline metrics
- research viability of combining reading speed and recollection accuracy into one score
- proper definition and measurement of readability
- what should be the metric that determines good from bad fonts? can there even be an answer?